Military Spouse Wellness Summit 2015: Invest in Yourself

by | Sep 6, 2015 | Blog


When I was 25-years-old, I packed up my life in Idaho and moved to Germany. Alone. I arrived in Frankfurt with no phone, no computer, no car, and a big ol’ knot in my stomach, hoping the gal who said she’d drive two hours to get me would actually show up. I had never met her. I didn’t even know what she looked like. All I knew was she had a little boy and our husbands were, at the time, deployed together in Afghanistan. When she arrived, the warm smile on her face and welcoming hug made me feel like I’d known her forever.

This was my first introduction to military life. Over the next two and a half years, I witnessed a community of spouses who selflessly gave of their time and energy to help others — often to people they didn’t even know. This, in addition to supporting their spouses’ careers and taking care of children, often as a solo parent.

Six years later, I’m still in awe, but I also see a culture on the brink of burnout. I see the tension in their bodies and hear the frustration in their voices as they smile and assure me everything is fine. I recognize these emotions because I feel them too.

Motivated by the unspoken truth, I set out to create a wellness event for military spouses that addresses our specific needs. Behind the scenes, my team and I have been working hard, for months, to turn this idea into a reality. Finally, we’re SO EXCITED to announce the big news!

You’re invited to the first ever Military Spouse Wellness Summit 2015: Invest in Yourself co-hosted by InDependent and Army Wife Network starting on Monday, October 19. This is an ONLINE event designed to fit into your busy life — yay for no childcare or missed work! Plus, it’s FREE to attend, thanks to our generous sponsors — USAA Educational Foundation, MetLife Dental, SpouseBox, and Generation Regeneration Wholistic Radio. Register and get more details here.

Oh, and did I mention there will be prizes? Like — REALLY GOOD PRIZES, so register now!

During the event, we will help you explore alternative methods to preventative health and wellness, and provide you with numerous resources to help you thrive while balancing military life. Our hope is that you will learn, or remember, to build time into your busy schedule to invest in your personal well-being and treat yourself with the same love and care that you so willingly give to others. As Emiley Stroud, Marine spouse, said in a recent InDependent article, you’ll be “stronger because of it.”

InDependent makes wellness accessible and creates opportunities for all military spouses to connect for friendship, accountability, and inspiration.

We envision a time when all military spouses thrive through connection to community and resources that results in healthy decision-making for themselves and their families.

